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Cork, Republic of Ireland

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liked by emmachamberlain and 102 others

notashepherd hey just so you know, emmachamberlain is ignoring my face time calls 😔

view all 828 comments

emilynewman wow

dhxdols Umm how?

emmachamberlain SORRY! I'm filming!
| notashepherd Umm not good enough! Answer me I've got tea to spill emmachamberlain

megan.c She's only got a couple thousand likes cause of Emma
| mollyyyy and that's the tea
| notashepherd and how many do you have?
| sisterdillonmarla sister snapping

edithfelldown you need to make a YouTube channel now!!!
| persephone1234 I'd subscribe


Emma ended up making James and the twins take a break so that she could face time her best friend.

"What?" She asked running her hand across her face.

"Wow no need to be so hostile. Anyways-" Matilda went silent for a minute completely forgetting why she wanted to FaceTime Emma. The girl gave her a minute as she pondered "Oh! Yeah. Umm. Remember that dick Noah? Yeah? Well umm he's continuing to message me."

"Just block him." James said making Matilda furrow her brows.

"Wait, is someone else there?"

"Just James." Emma shrugged.

"Just James?" James repeated offended, he then grabbed Emma's phone from her coming into the focus of the camera.

"Wow you look amazing." Matilda complemented.

"Thank you hunny, you look amazing too!"

Matilda had to disagree, she had her hair tied up in a messy bun that she slept in last night so it looked all frizzy with fly-aways every where. She was still in the clothes from yesterday night because she stayed up all night and ended falling asleep at 3am.

"Umm Okay." She chuckled.

"As for your stalker, just block him." James propped the phone up so that Emma could be seen too.

"He's not a stalker, he's my ex who keeps trying to get back with me. I mean I get it but come on. Give me a break man" She said cockily but then burst out laughing. Emma let out a laugh too. "So What are you guys doing?"

"I was filming a video with James and the twins." Emma said as she took her hair out just to tie it back up.

"Twins?" Matilda didn't have a clue who Emma meant by the twins. She'd heard of James before from when Emma first moved to LA. "Right well I'll let you get back to that. Have fun." Matilda said waving goodbye before ending the call.

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