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Emma found Matilda sat on a park bench staring at her phone. Emma could see how red her cheeks where from where she was stood.

She walked over to Matilda and wrapped her arms around her so tightly it could've stopped blood circulation.

"Everything will be okay." Emma tried to convince but all Matilda could do was cry into Emma.

"I have a shit taste in guys." She said with a sniffle.

"No, hunny, no. How about we get some coffee and go and stay at mine?" Emma suggested wanting to change the subject so Matilda wouldn't start to hate herself more.

Matilda nodded although, unknowingly to Emma, she had started hating herself ever since she saw the dreaded photo.

Once they got their coffee they went back to Emma's.

"You want to know something." Matilda said tying her hair up. She and Emma both laid in Emma's bed, Matilda's leg and arm laid across her best friends body like a teddy bear.


"It hurt more when Grayson cheated than it did when Noah used to physically injure me." She admitted.

Emma looked down at the girl, who's eyes were welling up with tears.

"I think it's because I actually loved Grayson. With Noah it was more of a lustful relationship than love." Matilda's bottom lip quivered as he carried on.

Emma couldn't stand to see her best friend this broken. Emma wrapped her arm tighter around her pulling her actually on top of her.

"One day, you'll find some who loves you for you and treats you how you deserve to be treated. It might take weeks, months or even years. But it will be worth it. And you'll fall in love so hard that you won't know what hit you." Emma said running her fingers through Matilda's hair to calm her.

"Emma will you fucking marry me?" Matilda said with a little light sad giggle.

"Of course."


Grayson paced across the living room, like he had been for the past two hours. It was driving James and Ethan insane.

"Why hasn't Emma text me yet?" He said anxiously. "WHY HASN'T SHE TEXTED ME YET!"

"Calm down. They'll be fine." James said watching as he carried on pacing, running his hands through his hair roughly.

"How do you know? FUCK I'm an idiot, I should've gone after Tilly myself." Grayson ran his hand through his hair again and tugged at it harshly.

"I'll text Emma now." Ethan said pulling out his phone, staring at his lock screen for a moment.

It was he and Emma and his heart ached for Gray,

Are you and Matilda okay? Xx

Yeah xx

"They're fine, look." Ethan said showing Grayson the phone. Grayson visibly relaxed.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now