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"Okay, I clearly don't know how to do this. Great. All of you wanted me to make a channel and I don't know how to turn the god damn cam-oh it's recording oh okay."

"Wow i can be so dumb." Matilda said face palming.



"Hey after like 10 minutes I got the camera working."

crowd applauses

"So I'm gonna do a Q and A cause I'm basic as fuck. Okay so I'm gonna just jump right in. First question who are you? Umm Matilda. Hi. Subscribe please."

insert a load of 🙏🏼 on the screen



"How do you know Emma? Well I met Emma I think four years ago. She was visiting Ireland which is where I live and it was St Patrick's day. Everyone was celebrating and drunk but I couldn't cause I'm a child of God and I'm underage. Which sucks. But um obviously me and Emma weren't really into it so we became friends. Plus I think we were the only sober ones."

a bunch of people cheering as photos of her and Emma from that day flashed across the screen



"Spill some tea on the sister squad." Matilda smiled.

Matilda boiled the kettle, grabbed a tea bag, put it in her cup and added the boiling water, making sure to over fill it so it spilled.
#teaspilled flashed across the screen



"What are your opinions on Emma and Ethan?" Matilda's hands went to her heart. "I love them."

she zoomed in on her face and put love hearts over her eyes. In the corner where she was looking she put a photo of the two.



"Okay so that was the video which I now have to edit. Yay." Matilda smiled widely. "I love this. So um like or don't, you know completely up to you."

"But it takes like two fucking seconds so like the video." There was a short silence. "Please." She grinned.

"And don't forget to subscribe. Hopefully I'll upload next week but eh who knows really. Byeeee."

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now