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Matilda decided to face time Emma, she had been watching the Dolan twins videos again all day until she saw Noah's comment. She didn't understand why he couldn't leave her alone.

"Hey." Emma smile as she tucked a random strand of hair out of her face.

"Hey. So guess what I've been doing all day." Matilda said exaggerating the 'all'.

"What?" Emma asked applying her chapstick.

"Legit been Umm sitting here fangirling over them twins." Emma's eyes flickered behind the camera but Matilda didn't even notice. "Like Grayson is wow."

Matilda ran her hand through her hair.

"Like how do you get that good looking. Like is he fucking photoshopped? I just-I just don't understand. They all followed me on Instagram and I screamed. Like legit screamed."

"Yeah." Emma nodded trying not to laugh.

"I mean at least there's one for me and one for you right?" Matilda asked. Emma's eyes widened.

"I gotta go." She said ending the call quickly.

"Oh okay bye." Matilda said after she already left. Matilda looked around her room wondering what to do now.

Realisation hit her, Emma kept looking behind the camera, probably at someone.


Her hand covered her mouth instantly once she realised what she did. The only people in LA that Emma talks to are Ethan, Grayson and James. If it was just James he would've said something so that means it must've been all three of them.

Oh fuck.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now