forty six

612 8 0


"Hey guys. I think I've got some explaining to do." Matilda took a deep breath and looked to Grayson who sat behind the camera. He nodded reassuringly assuring her that it'd be okay, even though she knew this could only bring her more hassle.



"This is gonna be a more serious video." Matilda ran her hand over her face, she hadn't felt this nervous in such a long time.

Grayson could see that she was getting stressed so he moved from behind the camera and settled himself next to her on the sofa.

He put his arm around her and gave her a comforting squeeze and although it calmed her nerves for half a second, her anxiety rushed straight back up as she stared deep into the camera lens.



"A lot of you have been commenting on my posts about Noah. A lot of you are confused. Which I understand perfectly."

"I'm confused myself."



"So I'm going to explain. No I'm not cheating on Noah with Grayson. Grayson and I aren't even dating. He's just a really close friend." She lied, she definitely saw Grayson as more than a friend, and saying those words shattered her heart. But it was for the best.



Matilda leaned into Grayson, she felt as if she couldn't do this.

She didn't know why.

Maybe she was scared at how everyone would react.

Grayson's hand went to her thigh, Matilda looked at his hand then him, he offered her a genuine smile which motivated her to finally say what she had been meaning to admit.

"Noah came around to my house. He got into my house. I'm still not sure how. And made me post that photo in order for him to leave. So I did. Because truthfully he scares me." Matilda let out a shaky breath. "When Noah and I were dating, he was abusive, verbally and phy-" Matilda bit her lip to prevent herself from crying. "Physically."



"I explained that to Ethan who explained it to Grayson, Emma and James because I was obviously over here in Ireland." She explains, the memories of the day flooding back to her like a tsunami.

"I flew over because I wanted to apologise in person for something I said." Grayson said letting out a deep breath, Matilda squeezed his hand and he returned the favour.

"Which was a huge surprise to me."

"Noah was stood outside my house and I did all I could to keep him out, I made sure I had locked all the doors. He continuously called me begging for me to let him in and after I didn't he tried to get into my house himself"

Saying this out loud made Matilda feel sick and even more anxious, this sounded like a tv documentary not real life. There was definitely going to be rumours about her lying, but she needed to get it off her chest.

"I locked myself in my my bedroom and called Emma. That's when she told me Grayson was on his way and luckily he was just in time, my hero." She cooed with a slight blush "Hopefully I won't have to ever see him again."



"So yeah. I thought I just owed you all an explanation. I guess I'll see you next time. Um- byeeee?"

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now