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tillybilly posted on her Snapchat story

tillybilly posted on her Snapchat story

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Grayson couldn't help but feel slightly jealous once Tilly came out of the shower and then put Ethan's jumper back on. He watched the girl walk into the kitchen as he clenched his jaw.

James threw a pillow directly towards his face making Grayson glare at him. James just shot his hands up in surrender.

Grayson jogged into his bedroom and pulled out a random jumper.

"Tilly!" He shouted making her walk into his room with a glass of iced water.

"Yeah?" She offered him a small smile. He noticed that her eyes were still puffy from crying and it broke his heart.

"Put this on." Grayson said handing her the jumper.

"I've already got a jumper on." She motioned to Ethan's jumper that she was wearing loosely.

"Yeah but-"

"Are you jealous?" She asked tilting her head to the side with a twitching smirk.

"No." Grayson denied.

"So you won't mind if I stay in this?" She questioned. Grayson was trying hard not to blush.

"I guess not." Grayson said not making eye contact with Matilda. She smiled taking Grayson jumper and going into the bathroom to change knowing she couldn't say no to his little cute puppy dog eyes.

"Better?" She question giving him a little twirl.

"Much." He smiled pulling her in for a hug, it made her feel warmer than any jumper "Tilly what happened earlier?"


"Tilly." He pushed.

"I'm just getting a lot of hate for been friends with you guys. Plus nearly everyone think we're dating so-"

"Wait they do?" He said taking a step away from her in shock.

"Yeah no need to be so shocked. I didn't realise I was that repulsive." Matilda said looking down at her feet and fiddling with the ends of the jumper. She felt embarrassed at how he had acted and now she wanted to cry again.

"No. God no. No. You're beautiful." Grayson said quickly. Matilda blushed and also let out a silent sigh of relief. "I just didn't even know people were shipping us." He confessed and she let out a light chuckle.

"Do you live under a rock? It's been everywhere. Twitter, instagram, YouTube." She listed. "Have you really never seen it?"

"Nope." Grayson said popping the 'p'.

"Wow." Matilda said looking up at him through her lashes.

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