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"Hey." She smiled as she walked into the living room, both Ethan and Grayson looked up to her. "What's up?"

"You're doing a collab with Kian and Jc?" Ethan questioned feeling slightly hurt.

"Yeah why?" She questioned confused, she had no clue why this would be a problem.

"You know what Kian did right?" Grayson questioned. Matilda fiddled with the end of her-Grayson's jumper.

"No." She didn't know why she felt so cornered but she did.

"You know Ethan's ex Meredith?" Matilda shook her head no. "Well Meredith cheated on Ethan with Kian."

"Oh." She barely said. "I didn't know that E. I'm sorry."

Both of the boys were silent, fiddling with their fingers.

"Wait. You don't think I'd do the same thing do you?" Matilda asked quietly feeling slightly hurt at just the thought of them both not trusting her.

"No course not." Grayson said almost too quickly, although he was incredibly nervous about the collab.

"Cause I won't. Ever." Matilda assured him but even when he nodded she didn't feel confident that he fully believed her.

"I know. I know. Just be careful." He mumbled scratching the back of his neck.

"I will." She replied.

Grayson then shot his twin brother an anxious look as his girlfriend exited the front room again.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now