fifty seven

521 5 0

Matilda laid on Grayson's chest as she scrolled through Instagram.
"Have you seen these theories?" Matilda questioned showing him instagram. Grayson's head snapped up from his own phone.

Matilda crawled up so that their heads were inline with the phone as they began to scroll.

"Wait no- shut up- that's actually true" Matilda giggled landing upon a screenshot of Grayson's story which had the smallest bit of her hoodie in it.

"I told you, our fans are better then the FBI."

"I can see that" Matilda giggled pressing upon a hashtag that seemed to be their ship name 'Mason' it had 75,271 posts which shocked both of them.

Were they really that flirty? Grayson thought about all the times they had touched on videos and decided that yes, they were flirty af.

They found an account and began to read through.

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"Shit I just liked it

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"Shit I just liked it." Matilda said noticing the now red heart. Her heart rate increased. She had to like the one about them caught kissing.

"Well you can't unlike it cause they'll know."

Matilda decided to unlike it anyways on the off chance that the owner of the account didn't see.

Not even minutes later her and Grayson were getting tagged in multiple photos of her liking then unliking the photo.

"Fuck." She mumbled, Grayson ran his fingers through her hair.

"It's okay." He reassured her, taking a deep breath and looking into the girls watery eyes "Why don't we just tell them?"

Matilda bit her lip. She could. They could. But the last thing she wanted was all the back lash and name calling. Grayson could see that she was worried and overthinking the whole situation.

"Hey don't worry. Try not to stress about it too much."

"Okay." She nodded, taking a deep breath, finalising, "We'll make a video."

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now