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Matilda cuddled up into Grayson's side, she was getting a cold and milking it so he would wait on her hand and foot. So far, it was working. Grayson had just grabbed her another blanket. She already had three on.

"Grayson, you're suffocating her." Lisa, his mother scolded.

"She's ill Mom. I don't want her getting worst." Grayson said pushing some of Matilda's hair out of her face.

"She's milking it Grayson, can't you tell?" Emma asked walking in with Grayson.

"Shut up Emma. I'm sick." Matilda coughed. "I'm blaming you. I bet you made me sick. I'm allergic to you." Matilda pointed accusingly at Emma. Ethan laughed at the girl. Emma then went to sit next to Ethan who got up and moved away. Emma looked confused.

"I don't want to get ill." He joked. Emma looked offended, making Ethan laugh.

Lisa shook her head at the two couples and went to cook their dinner. Ethan went to sit back next to his girlfriend.

"Do you need anything else?" Grayson asked, once he got no response he looked to Ethan with furrowed brows. Grayson couldn't see Matilda as she was laid on his chest.

"She's asleep." Ethan informed his brother.

"Ofcourse." Grayson laughed.


Emmachambie posted on her Snapchat story

Emmachambie posted on her Snapchat story

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Matilda: loved Jersey graysondolan985,669 likes 89,604 comments

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Matilda: loved Jersey graysondolan

User1: wow I love you

User2: Emma has been in Jersey with them

User3: why does Matilda look so happy but Grayson doesn't?

Graysondolan: 😍🥰❤️

Matilda: don't take many photos with ethandolan 926,108 likes 78,661 comments

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Matilda: don't take many photos with ethandolan

User1: cuties

User2: ugh I ship them

User3: wtf why? User2

Ethandolan: 💜

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