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Matilda sat smiling proudly, she has just finished cleaning around her house. She always felt proud once she'd done something productive.

She snapped out of her day dream once her phone started ringing. She clicked answer once she saw it was James.

"Hey. I've heard you wanna fight so when and where?" James asked as she propped up her phone.

"Well I kinda live in Ireland so..." Matilda pursed her lips and tied her hair back.

"And that's gonna stop you?" James questioned raising his brows.

"No i'd fly over there right now." She said determinedly but with a playful smirk

"What's stopping you then?" He held back a smile, trying to make their conversation seem serious.

"I'm not really a hotel expert and America scares me. Also, umm, kinda scared of flying alone." Matilda admitted.

"Wait really?" James asked surprised, she seemed way to independent to be scared of a plane.

"Yeah, I grew up with a big family, we always went on holidays together so it's kinda scary to me to even think about flying on a plane alone." She bit the inside of her cheek, nervously, she felt like she had just spilled her deepest darkest secret and that James was just simply about to laugh at.

"When was the last time you saw Emma?" James asked curiously.

"Umm last year I think." She shrugged not remembering exactly when. James just nodded.

The pair just talked for the rest of the night.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now