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Alex and Matilda pulled up to the house, the music could be heard all the way from the start of the street. Just before Matilda could get out to go and enjoy herself, Alex grabbed her wrist.

"Be careful and stay close. Without a doubt they'll be some idiot here." He said protectively. Matilda offered him a warm smile and nodded.


After hours at the party, multiple shots and dancing until she nearly passed out on the dance floor, Matilda decided to text Grayson.

Hyyye Greyson I'm sertianly sober

Oh god are you okay?

Yeh Alex with me

Good if you need picking up call me

Okay dokie

"How you feeling?" Alex asked grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to him. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders wanting to dance again.

"Great." She offered him a big cheesy grin. And Alex laughed. She was like a child when she was drunk. He lifted his hand to her face and rubbed his thumb along her cheeks. "You'll wipe my makeup off." She squirmed while giggling.

"You look beautiful without it." Alex complimented.

"Thanks but James will kill me." She laughed. "He spent an hour on this."

Alex's eyes flicked to her lips. Matilda noticed but thought she might be seeing things.

Maybe she's a delusional drunk? She didn't really know she's only been drunk once or twice and couldn't remember what actually happened.

Alex leans down to kiss the brunette but before he could she pushed him back lightly.

"I can't." She shook her head while slurring her words.

"Why?" Alex asked with a pained expression.

"I can't." She repeated running her hand through her hair. "I've got a boyfriend." She mumbled but Alex didn't hear what she said clearly so he grabbed her waist once more thinking that she was just nervous. "No." She pushed him away again. "I'm gonna go." She said suddenly sobering up.

"Let me drive you home." Alex slurred.

"No. You're drunk. I'm drunk. We're both drunk." She said going to grab another drink but of orange juice this time.

After sitting alone for a couple of minutes she left her drink and went to the toilet to attempt to make herself look presentable again.

She ruffled up her curls and smoothened out her dress before wiping under her eyes to remove some mascara.

Matilda couldn't help but feel guilty for the near encounter with Alex.

She came back to her drink and downed the whole thing. It tasted saltier which confused her. She subtlety smelt the cup, looking around to make sure nobody was watching her.

There was no smell, but what looked like the leftover of a dissolved tablet sat at the bottom of her cup.

Panicking, she pulled out her phone and called Ethan.

"E?" She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. Ethan left the kitchen noticing that his brothers phone didn't ring.

"Hey what's up? I thought you were at that party." Ethan answered concerned as to why she called him and not Grayson.

"Can-can you pick me up?" A few tears rolled down her face.

"Are you Okay?" Ethan questioned getting his shoes on.

"Yeah." She lied.

"I'm going for a drive!" Ethan shouted, Matilda assumed to Grayson but she didn't hear a response.


"Hey." Matilda slurred in a whisper as she got into Ethan's car, her mascara smudged under her eyes.

"Have you been crying?" Ethan asked concerned as he started the engine back up. Matilda merely nodded. "Why?"

She took a deep breath. "Alex tried to kiss me. And I think my drink was spiked." She hiccuped.

"He What?!" Ethan's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Wait-spiked?" He asked finally realising what she said.

Ethan pressed his foot upon the brakes which slammed them both back in their seats. Matilda nodded once again, guilt drowning her as she began to explain,

"I didn't kiss him. I couldn't. I love Grayson." Matilda sighed thinking about the boy. She couldn't wait to get home and hug him. Grayson was unproblematic and she loved that.

"Good." Ethan nodded starting up the car again. On the way Matilda ended up falling asleep.


Ethan carried her into the house, Grayson noticed that he was carrying Matilda and went to see if she was okay.

"What happened?" Grayson shouted concerned for his girlfriend, why was he helping her and not him?

"Too much to drink." Ethan said flippantly knowing exactly how his brother would react if he found out Alex wanted to kiss her and that her drink was spiked.

"I'll take her." Grayson said putting his arms out to carry the girl. Ethan carefully placed Matilda in his arms.

Grayson grabbed her tightly so she wouldn't fall. Matilda's arms wrapped around Grayson and a light smile appeared on her face.

"I'm never going out again." She whispered, making Grayson softly chuckle.

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