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Matilda woke up with a huge headache and with Emma and James staring at her.

"Are you okay?" James questioned as Emma handed her some water.

"Yeahhhh...What's going on?" Matilda questioned confused.

"You were spiked at that party." Emma said making Matilda take the drink. Matilda took the drink from Emma's hand and placed it back on the bedside table.


"You called E and you told him that you got spiked. Oh and also, your boss came over to see if you were okay." Emma smiled rubbing Matilda's arm softly.

"Do you know who did it?" She questioned, both Emma and James share a look. "Guys?"

"It was Noah." James said truthfully and Matilda's face dropped.

"W-What?" She managed to croak out.

Emma went and sat beside her best friend and pulled her in for a hug. But she was too anxious to enjoy it, she looked round panicking,

"Where's Grayson?" She had noticed that the boy wasn't here, which she thought was strange. They both remained silent. "Where is Grayson?" She asked louder and more panicked.

"He's gone to find Noah." Emma reluctantly said.

"On his own? Are you insane?" Matilda raised her voice slightly.

"Ethan and Alex have gone with him." James assured her that Gray wasn't on his own but it didn't ease her mind in the slight.

"And you think that's any better?" She questioned running her hand through her hair out of frustration. "How long have they been gone?"

"About an hour." Emma said.

Matilda tried to sit up but her head began to spin and she winced, almost collapsing back into a ball upon Grayson's bed.

Matilda bit her nail nervously once she heard the front door open. She sat up straight slowly this time with Emma's aid.

"Is that them?" She questioned.

"E?" Emma shouted as the bedroom door opened and in walked Grayson and Ethan. Matilda didn't even want to looked at him in fear that he was hurt.

"Tilly are you okay?" Grayson questioned grabbing her chin to make her look at him. She let out a sigh of relief noticing he didn't have any visible cuts or bruises, she then looked up to Ethan who looked normal too.

"What happened?" She asked fearfully, her eyes began to sting due to the forming tears.

"We sorted it." He said grabbing her hand.

"Gray, you could've gotten hurt." Matilda said rubbing her thumb over his swollen knuckles.

"But I didn't."

Matilda's eyes finally released her hot tears as they ran down her cheeks as she began thinking of all the possible scenarios.

"We're okay. Don't worry." Grayson said cupping her face. "God I'm never letting you out of my sight again." He said pulling her into his chest.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now