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"Hey guys, it's been a long time." Matilda mumbled. "I'm here with the sister squad. Once again." Matilda chuckled. It had been a while since she had last filmed a YouTube video. "Introduce yourselves."

"I'm Grayson." Grayson's arm snakes around Matilda's waist, she leant her head on his shoulder.

"I'm Emma."


"And I'm James." James smiled.

"And today we're going to be doing Who's smarter Boys or girls." Matilda paused rubbing her chin as she giggled, "The title of the video will be better than that."

Editing: "No it isn't." She shook her head and face palmed.


"But we want James on our team!" Matilda shouted at the twins.

"Tough we want him on our team!" Grayson shouted back.

"Gray!" Matilda stomped her foot like a little child who didn't get her way.

"Tilly!" He said in the same tone sarcastically and teasingly.

"I'll be the referee." James suggested.


"Who invented the lightbulb in 1879?" James questioned.

Matilda smacked her and Emma's buzzer before the twins even got a chance. "Edison."

"Correct!" James said and Matilda and Emma high fived.


"Name the American president on the half dollar coin who was assassinated in 1963."

"J.F.K." Ethan said hitting his buzzer, sticking his tongue out at the girls.


"The ancient Egyptian writing system was called what?" James asked.

"Hieroglyphics!" Emma shouted. James nodded.


"Is "red" an adjective or a noun?" James smirked.

"Noun." Grayson answered.

"No, dumbass it's an adjective."


"Both!" Emma shouted before Ethan could.




"And the winners are, the girls!" James said. Emma and Matilda cheered as they hugged, lingering there for a while so they could smell each others sweet scents.

"Thanks for watching you guys. Subscribe? Byeee!"

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