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"Do you remember that time I pushed you out of that tree? It was the day after St.Paddy's day. We'd only been friends for a day and I ended up making you break your leg?" Emma questioned with a chuckle.

Matilda laughed and nodded, how could she forget.

"You bet I do. But then I got you back by putting itching powder in all your clothes." Emma nodded and wiped away a tear from laughing so hard.

The two had been talking about past memories from Ireland and even those they had made via FaceTime with each other for a good hour now.

"To think of it, you were a bitch to me." Matilda pointed out throwing a cushion at Emma. Emma gasped as it hit her in the face.

"And you weren't to me?!" Emma shrieked, throwing the cushion back at her.

Emma pounced on top off Matilda while the cushion was still placed on her face.

Matilda struggled beneath Emma and pushed them both off the couch, the pair rolled around on the floor for a while. The girls shrieked and giggled.

They didn't stop until Emma straddled Matilda's waist and pinning her arms down above her head on the floor.

They were panting hard, their faces rosey and blushed, their noses only inches apart.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now