fifty five

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"Mom!" Grayson shouted as he walked through the front door. "Dad." He paused. "We're here." He hollered.

"Can you shout any louder?" Matilda said while smacking his bicep.

"Hey baby." His mom says pulling him in for a hug and then Ethan. Emma and Matilda stood next to each other, neither of them knew what to do.

"This is Emma and Matilda." Ethan said pointing at the pair.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lisa." She smiled.

"You too." Emma said and Matilda smiled awkwardly.

"Everyone's in the living room." Lisa said turning to look at Grayson and Ethan. Matilda's eyes widened. Everyone? She grabbed Grayson's arm and pulled him back.

"You said I was only meeting your parents and sister." Grayson's hand intertwined with hers. Emma and Ethan had already gone in. Matilda was definitely feeling more anxious then before.

"Come on. Don't be daft." Grayson said pulling her in for a hug.

Matilda closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. She hated anxiety.

Grayson pulled away and grabbed her hand and led them into the living room. Noticing there was only one seat left she let Grayson sit down. Emma was sat on Ethan's lap but Matilda didn't know what to do with her self. Grayson grabbed her waist and pulled her on to his lap. His hands rested on her thigh, his thumb rubbing up and down.

"This is Poppy John, Grandma Bernadette, Poppy Tony, Grandma Adriana, Cameron and our Dad, Sean." Ethan introduced everyone. Matilda smiled and offered them a little wave. "This is Emma and that's Matilda."

Everyone began telling jokes and laughing. Emma felt at ease now but she could tell Matilda was still nervous.

"I'm going to get a drink." Matilda whispered to Grayson.

"Okay, Poppy Johns in there if you can't find anything." Grayson smiled up to her.

Matilda nodded in response and walked into the kitchen. John was getting a drink for himself.

"You okay?" He questioned.

"Yeah just wanted a drink" she pause and scratched the back of her neck "If that's okay?" Matilda fiddled with a loose piece of thread on her top.

"That's fine. Glasses are up there." He pointed to the cupboard to her left. "Are you nervous?" He asked. He could practically feel it radiating off of her.

"A little." She admitted.

"Don't be." He said taking a seat as she grabbed a glass of water. Once she filled it she stood there as she sipped at it. "Sit down." He pushed the chair out with his foot. "I'm gonna show you some photos of the twins when they were little."

Matilda smiled, he was clearly doing everything he could to help her feel more comfortable. He pulled the photo album over.

"Lisa got them out earlier so that you and Emma could go through them." Matilda let out a little laugh as John flicked through the photos. "This ones my favourite. It was their first day at school and they wanted to walk. I took them and we walked through the muddiest field I've ever seen. So they went to their first day of school with mud up to their knees." He said pointing at the photo. Matilda didn't even know which one was Grayson or Ethan.

"Sounds like them." She laughed.

"Tilly are you-" Grayson stopped talking once he saw the photo album. "No. Poppy John. Why would you show her these photos." Grayson was blushing madly.

"I thought they were cute." Matilda smiled at the boy.

"Your mom was going to show her them eventually. I just sped the process up." He shrugged and got up to go into the living room, leaving the two alone.

"How you feeling?" He questioned going to stand in front of her.

"Better." She nodded. Grayson smiled and placed a quick kiss on her lips, which caught Matilda by surprise.

"Come upstairs we gotta make the beds. Mom forgot." Grayson playfully rolled his eyes.

"It's not your mothers job to sort out your bed Gray."

"Our bed." He said resting his hands on her waist. Matilda smiled genuinely and stood up.


"So this was Grayson Dolan's childhood bedroom." Matilda said looking at the blue walls. "Cute." She then looked to the bed and sat on the chair in the corner.

"Oi, help me." Grayson said throwing a pillow at her, which smacked her straight in the face. Her mouth flew open in shock.

"Asshole. Help yourself." She threw it back at him but with his quick reflexes he caught it.

"You sleep on the floor then."

"Or I could just sleep in Ethan's room?" She shrugged. "I'm sure he and Emma wouldn't mind." Grayson rolled his eyes and he started making the bed. Matilda got up to help him.

"Thank you." He said sweetly.

"It's okay." She said placing the pillows at the top of the bed.

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