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It was Matilda's first day at work, she was slightly nervous but also excited to see how the day planned out.

She walked in and smiled at Alex who was serving an old lady. Matilda walked straight into the back and pulled her apron on. It was a plain grey apron.

"Morning." Alex smiled popping his head around the corner.

"Morning." Matilda smiled enthusiastically.

"You Okay to get this next customer?" Alex questioned and Matilda nodded slightly anxious.

"Hi what can I get for you today?" Matilda smiled sweetly.

"Iced latte please." The man replied.

"Of course, won't be a few minutes." She grinned going to make the iced latte.


After hours of working and a hour long break Matilda's head snapped up once the bell on the door rang. She watched as Emma and James walked in.

"What do you want?" Matilda asked jokingly once they walked in. Alex looked at her with wide eyes, obviously not knowing that they were friends.

"Bitch we came here to be supportive friends." Emma said and Alex relaxed slightly once he realised they knew each other.

"Fine. What can I get for you?" Matilda laughed with an eye roll.

"What do you recommend?" James asked with a cheeky smile.

"The hazelnut lattes are my favourite. Promise you'll love it." Matilda said looking up to the menu.

"Two hazelnut lattes please." Emma basically shouted.

"Coming up." She hollered back, walking off to make them.

"So how's your first day?" James asked leaning his elbows on the side.

"Great. So far so good." Matilda replied honestly making Alex smile as he listened in to their conversation.

"Good good. Grayson keeps complaining that you're not with us. He's too clingy." Emma said tying her hair up in a bun.

"It's cute." Matilda resorted. "Why didn't he and E come?"

"They're filming." Matilda nodded understandingly

"Two hazelnut lattes." She said handing them their drinks. "I'll see you both later." She smiled as they walked out.


"So." Alex said making Matilda jump. There was no new customers so they had a little free time to talk. "What are you doing later?"

"Probably just going home." Matilda shrugged.

"Wanna come to a party?" Alex asked hopefully.

"Umm." Matilda didn't know what to say. Yeah Alex was a decent guy but she barely knew him and he was already inviting her out to a party. "Sure." She smiled nervously.

"Great, I'll pick you up later?" He questioned.

"Yeah. Sounds great." She chuckled.

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