forty eight

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Matilda's leg bobbed up and down, she really needed this job because she felt extremely bad for just staying at the twins for free even though Grayson and Ethan said it was fine.

The job she was applying for was a part time job at a local coffee shop, it looked like a scarce cafe with little customers but it would do.

"Matilda Herd." Called out a deep voice which made Matilda's heart rate increase. She wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans before standing up to follow the voice to a circular table.

The cute guy made eye contact with her and smiled. He looked as if he was a couple of years older than Matilda herself.

"Please take a seat." He said said sitting down himself. "I'm Alex."

"Matilda." Matilda said but mentally face palmed herself, of course he already knew that. "But you already knew that." She laughed off her awkwardness.

"Yeah." He chuckled, he sounded like he didn't mind her nervousness, in fact it looked like he found it cute. "Okay, let's get started."

Matilda nodded, sat up straight and crossed her legs.

"Why do you want this job?"

Matilda thought of many reasons she wanted the job. To pay the twins back, clothes, food and to buy coffee, but she couldn't say that. Could she?

"I really love coffee." She nodded not knowing what else to say.

"Interesting." He nodded.

"I also love people." She tried to save herself but was failing miserably. "I enjoy meeting new people and talking. Umm yeah." Alex laughed at her response again.

"And what are you hoping to get out of this experience?" He questioned, jotting down some notes.

"How to make amazing coffee." She smiled. Matilda decided to just be herself, if they didn't like her for herself then she didn't want to work there.

That's probably why the first three places didn't work out.

"What's your favourite coffee?" Alex asked out of interest.

"Hazelnut coffee." She licked her lips, she could just drink a hazelnut coffee right now.

"Mine too." Alex smiled.

"So much in common." She tried not to squirm at the cringe sentence. Alex nodded with a small smile, but it suited him well.

"Okay, if you'd like to just wait outside, I've got one more person to interview then I'll come and tell you if you've got the job or not." Matilda nodded and went to wait outside.


Both of the other girls went in before Matilda and walked out with no readable expressions on their faces.

"Matilda." Alex held the door open, she watched as his bicep flexed as he kept it pinned against the wall.

"Such a gentleman." She thought.


Matilda's eyes widened.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" Matilda asked running her hand through her hair.

"You did."

"So did I get the job or?" Matilda cut straight to the point, if she hadn't got it she wanted to run the opposite way as fast as humanly possible.

"Wow okay. Straight to the point, I like it." Alex motioned for her to take a seat. Matilda blushed and took a seat. He leaned forward, which made Matilda feel more anxious. "I'm happy to say, you got the job."

"Wait really?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah." He nodded. "You showed your personality, you were honest and interesting. And that is what I want for my shop. So you start in two weeks." Matilda grinned.

"Thank you so much. You won't regret it." She said grabbing her bag and walking out.

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