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"Hey guys! Today I'm joined with Kian and Jc." Matilda gestured to both the boys.

"Today were gonna be doing the whisper challenge."



"Who's going first?" Matilda questioned as she grabs the headphones.

"I will." Jc volunteered.

"Great." Matilda handed him her phone and the Bluetooth earphones so he could choose a song.

"Have you got one?" Kian questioned.

"How about something festive since it's just been Christmas?" Matilda shrugs looking at Kian heavily asking for help.

"Rocking around the Christmas tree?" Kian suggested and Matilda nodded thankfully.

"Rocking around the Christmas tree." Matilda whispered slowly making sure to put emphasis on her words.

"What?!" Jc shouted over the loud music.

"Rocking around the Christmas tree." Kian repeated with a little laugh.

"Rocking." Jc paused. "Around the Christmas. Tree?"

"Yes!" Matilda said, Jc cheered and pulled off headphones.

Editing: "This music is fucking loud."



"Matilda's turn." Kian said passing Matilda the headphones and her phone. Matilda choose a random song and placed the head phones on.

"What can we say?" Jc questioned.

"I don't know dude. Something that'll throw her off. She's winning at the minute." Kian said as he glanced back to Matilda who was lip syncing all the words.

"How about? I wanna kiss you so bad. Cause then she might get it confused with I'm gonna miss you so bad." Kian said tapping his head as if he's the smartest person in the world.

Editing: "They're plotting against me."

"Yeah." Jc nodded and looked to Matilda.

"I wanna kiss you so bad." Kian said with a little smirk.

"I banana?"

"I wanna kiss you so bad." Kian repeated.

"I wanna. Lick?" Kian burst out laughing along side Jc, they held there stomach and kicked their legs in hysterics.

"I wanna kiss you so bad." Jc said at the same time as Kian.

"I don't know who to look at." Matilda said looking between the two boys.

"Me." Kian said waving his hands to get her attention and then pointing to himself. "I wanna kiss you so bad."

"Im gonna miss you?" Matilda scowls.

"No!" Kian placed his head in his hands. "I wanna kiss you so bad."

"I wanna-"

Matilda knew exactly what he just said. Her heart skipped a beat as anxiety overwhelmed her. He's just saying it for the video she reminded herself. But her conversation with Grayson and Ethan played in the back of her head.

"-Kiss you so bad." She mumbled.


Kian could tell something was off with Matilda now, but he didn't know what.



"Okay thanks for watching this video guys. Hope you enjoyed it. Comment who else you want me to do this video with. Don't forget to like and subscribe. The link to their channel will be down below. Thanks for watching byeee."

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