twenty eight

714 11 3

Emma decided that she wanted to go to the beach, so to the beach they went.

Matilda was beginning to enjoy LA.

They all piled into Emma's car which Ethan was driving. Matilda sat in the middle of James and Grayson in the back seats as Worst of you by Maisie Peters began to play on the radio.

Matilda began to mumble the words as Grayson rested his hand on her thigh instinctively. Ethan's eyes flickered to them through the review mirror as he sat at the lights. He cracked a smile and nudged Emma then motioned back to Matilda and Grayson. Emma smiled, her best friend really needed someone to treat her how she deserves to be treated.

Once they pulled up at the beach they all got their stuff and got out the car. James found a perfect spot that was right under the sun, claiming he and Emma were too pale and needed a tan.

Matilda grabbed the blanket that they brought and laid it out for her to lay on. James took off his shirt and laid down, placing his hand over his face, Matilda assumed he wanted to go to sleep.

Without thought Matilda pulled off her top and shorts leaving her in her black bikini which framed her figure perfectly.

Grayson's eyes widened as he scanned her up and down. Ethan smacked his brothers chest to bring him back to his senses. Emma laughed at the boys as they both glared at eachother for different reasons

"I'm gonna go for a swim." Grayson said pulling off his shirt. Matilda's eyes flickered to his chest then back to his face. Grayson was watching her with a smirk, he definitely caught her.


They had been at the beach for around two hours, James and Emma had fell asleep. Good luck to their pale skin.

Grayson was still in the water with Ethan so Matilda was sat on her own, her legs were pulled up and her chin rested against her knees as she watched the brothers fight.

Ethan walked over to Emma to wake her up, his body dripping wet and Grayson grabbed Matilda.

"Come on." He said grabbing her hand.

"What?" She smiled, nervously, up to know they hadn't spoken because she had been to occupied by his abs.

"Time to get in the water." Grayson said tugging her up. Matilda stood up and still held Graysons hand.

"I'm not getting in the water." She said looking into his brown orbs, basically pleading for him to let her off.

"Yes you are." Grayson says grabbing her her by the waist and slinging her over his shoulder. She let out a surprised scream making people on the beach look at her. Grayson dropped her once he reached the water.

"I can't believe you did that!" She shouted moving some of her now wet hair out of her face. Her mascara was now running down her face.

Grayson walked up to her with a cheeky grin before grabbing her face. Matilda swore that her heart skipped a beat. Grayson's thumbs went under her eyes and wiped away her mascara.

"Beautiful." He whispered.

"Hardly, I probably look like a panda."

Grayson didn't think she would've heard him as he whispered,

"I happen to really like pandas."

His hands traveled down to her waist. Matilda rested her arms on his shoulders. A scream made them jump apart. Ethan threw Emma into the sea. Once she popped back up she had her hair covering her face and she coughed up water.


James then all of a sudden rising from the dead, ran towards the water, creating the largest splash as he pounced towards them all.


Ethan drove them all back to the twins house because everyone was shattered and couldn't wait to sleep.

Matilda rested her head on Grayson's shoulder with her eyes tightly shut. Grayson returned the favour as he rested his head on top of hers. James laid down across Matilda's lap, his head on her thighs, as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Emma was asleep in the passenger seat, lightly snoring causing Ethan to crack a small smile.

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