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"Hello?" Alex announced through the speaker once Grayson had finally answered his phone.

"What?" He asked, angry and irritated.

"Is Matilda there? She didn't turn up for work today." Alex said nervously, he didn't know what had rattled Graysons cage and he didn't want to find out either.

"No." He responded bluntly.

"Oh okay. I-If you see her tell her to call me please." He stuttered nervously instead of replying, Grayson ended the call.

"You mother fucker! Did you actually cheat on her?!" Emma shouted storming into his room throwing all her weight behind her hands to push Grayson backwards.

"No!" Grayson shouted back after he had saved himself from tumbling.

He knew how bad it looked. But that wasn't him. He was so confused and nobody was listening to him.

"Whatever, I'm going to find Matilda." Emma said pulling on her doc martins, she knew her best friend wouldn't make this shit up and if she found that it really held some truth, she was most certainly going to kill him.

"Will you text me once you've found her....please?" Grayson asked, he didn't want to make Matilda angrier by going after her himself so he decided to just let Emma find her.

"Mhm hmm." Emma slammed the door as she walked out of it without a glance back. Grayson turned to his brother, tears brimmed in his eyes.

Ethan opened his arms instinctively and Grayson crashed into them allowing himself to crumble and cry into his shoulder.

"I don't understand." Grayson blubbered. "I love Tilly. I wouldn't ever cheat on her." He said pulling away and wiping some of his tears. "You have to believe me" he cried much louder now.

"We'll figure it out." James reassured Grayson from the door frame.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now