forty four

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Matilda sat up with sweat dripping down her. She look at the floor and saw that Grayson was still asleep on the air bed.

Matilda often had bad dreams about Noah and she hated it.

Slowly, she pulled her covers off of her and headed to the bathroom to have a shower.

She turned the water on and waited for it to get hot before she got in. She left her hand underneath it and pulled it away to get undressed once it was at the right temperature.

Matilda began to cry, she hated crying, it made her feel weak. But the water from the shower was masking her tears. Once she'd finished she got changed into an oversized top and shorts.

She walked back into her room and jumped once she saw Grayson sitting on her bed staring blankly around.

"I didn't mean to wake you." She mumbled. "I couldn't sleep." She lied. She didn't want him to know that she had a nightmare.

"It's okay." He said standing up and going back to his bed on the floor. Matilda eyes flickered from Grayson to her bed.

"Grayson, Will you-" He nodded. He could see how scared she still was. She locked her bedroom door before climbing into the bed with Grayson. Just that, made him feel sad, she had nothing to fear anymore with him there but still she locked the door.

He opened up his arms and she cuddled into his side. Her grip on his t-shirt was tight. She was so small next to him and he couldn't bare the thought of someone hurting her.

He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to get her to relax and hopefully go to sleep.

Matilda finally fell asleep so he stopped combing his fingers through her hair, but he refused to go to sleep just incase she needed him.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now