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"Hey Everyone." Matilda said awkwardly waving.

Editing: "That was such an awkward intro but you try and do it with four other people staring at you."

"I'm joined with my fucking sister squad today." Matilda said as they all jumped on hers and Grayson's bed making it crack.

"You didn't." She said in shock.

"Fuck!" Grayson said standing up and looking at the broken leg on the bed.

"Well done." Matilda threw her arms up.



"Okay so we changed locations. Cause they broke the bed by jumping on it at the same time." Matilda shot everyone a glare. "Like I said I'm joined with my sister squad."

"I'm James." James smiled.

"They all know who you are. No need to introduce yourselves." Matilda said dismissing them.

"Rude." Emma commented.

Editing: "Emma hunny, I don't care." Matilda sarcastically smiled.

"We're decorating a-"

"Christmas tree!" Ethan said cutting off Matilda who raised her brows at the boy and shot him a glare. "What? I hadn't said anything the whole video." Ethan shrugged.

"Neither has Grayson." Matilda pointed to  her boyfriend who seemed to be zoning out.

Editing: "You okay there Gray?"



"So earlier this week I went to target and bought a Christmas tree. Everyone left me to do that on my own so thanks guys. I also bought all the lovely decorations to decorate the Christmas tree with." Matilda then did a montage of her buying the Christmas tree.



"What's everyone's favourite part about Christmas?" Matilda questioned as Grayson and Ethan built the tree and her, Emma and James unboxed all the decorations.

"Spending time with family." Grayson said with a little smile.

Editing: "aww" Matilda then wiped away a fake tear. "He's a cutie."

"The food." Emma said making Matilda laugh.

"Amen." Matilda agreed.

Editing: "If your favourite part about Christmas isn't the food then you're lying to yourself."



"Okay now that the tree is built we can decorate it." Matilda smiled and clapped her hands together.

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