fifty two

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"Hey." James answered the FaceTime call from Matilda. "What's up?"

"You're the only one that's gonna be honest with me. And that's what I want. No matter how harsh the answer is." Matilda said. "Promise me you'll give me the truth?"

"Promise." James nodded. If Matilda wanted the truth then James was going to give it her.

"Did I break Grayson's heart?"

James went silent. Matilda felt broken and her ready eyes showed James that. He didn't want to upset her further but he also promised.

"I think what you did upset him." James finally decided on saying, hoping it was the right thing to do.

"What I did?" Matilda questioned not knowing if he knew about the almost kiss.

"You distanced yourself away from him when he clearly cared-cares about you. You know he still comes to me or E when you have ignored him. In pieces. He doesn't know what he did wrong and he beats himself up about it every day."

Matilda bit her quivering lip. She was ready to break down crying again.

"Maybe you should just explain it to him. Explain why you distanced yourself." James didn't know her reasons, but he assumed she had good ones.

"I fucked everything up." She said running her hand over her face. Her eyes were red and her cheeks swollen.

"No. You can still fix this." James insisted.

Matilda wasn't sure but she still nodded.

"Thanks James." She sighed before ending the call.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now