
907 21 0

Cork, Republic of Ireland

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liked by graysondolan and 87,691 others

notashepherd Someone spill some tea

view all 6,085 comments

emilynewman 😍

ncentineo wow 😍😫

ethmaboys Ethma is real
| notashepherd tell me something I don't already know
| atlantashoupe did she just confirm Ethma?!?!
| arloyoung I'm shook 👀

sisterdillonmarla meet up with the sister squad plzzz

jamescharles smash that glass over my head and call me papi

dhxdols can't believe you put slits in your eyebrows for a video 😂

graysondolan 😫
| riverheartsjj can they just date already? ^

emmachamberlain bitch why didn't I get pic creds?
| persephone1234 wait are you two together?
| notashepherd No unfortunately! It's a tb photo
| persephone1234 that sucks so much

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