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Los Angeles, California

ethandolanLos Angeles, California

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ethandolan Breakfast for desert

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dhxdols HoLy ShIt

ivykemperrr are you trying to kill me?

persephone1234 I'm deceased

edithfelldown blessed my eyes

arloyoung bet he's looking at Emma

notashepherd Emma's mans looking good
| atlantashoupe did she just confirm Ethma?
| megan.c Ethan and Emma are just friends!
| emmachamberlain So does yours Matilda
| emilynewman wow this comment section 😂

jamescharles do you wanna sister scrap? notashepherd
| notashepherd Bring it on bitchass

riverheartsjj wait-do Grayson and Matilda date?!?!
| mollyyyy ugh no he'd never go for someone like her

mollyyyy kinda feel like Matilda is using Emma for fame
| notashepherd me next time hunny xoxo

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