twenty one

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"Wait, is this why you wanted us to do that stupid no phone for 24 hours challenge?" Emma asked Ethan. He just nodded with a cheeky smile.

They finally got in the car, Matilda sat in the middle of Emma and Grayson with James and Ethan up in the front.

"I can't believe it. I'm still in shock that you're here." Grayson said looking at the girl. She was even more beautiful in person.

"Well you best believe it." She smiled at him.

"The best thing is. James didn't even tell me. I saw an article about it. So thanks for the heads up James." Ethan said sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah." James rolled his eyes playfully.

They were around 10 minutes away from the twins house according to Ethan, but the jet lag was kicking in. James had already fallen asleep due to exhaustion.

Matilda rested her head on Grayson's shoulder and closed her eyes. He wrapped his arm around her so she was more comfortable and ran his fingers through her hair.

Emma smiled at the pair. After what Noah did, Matilda needed someone like Grayson in her life. Even if she didn't know it yet.

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