forty nine

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Matilda walked into the twins house that she was now calling home. LA felt a lot more like home that Ireland ever did.

"Well?" James questioned, making Matilda jump. She didn't even know he was here. She walked into the room and saw that Emma was also there.

"I got the job." She smiled.

"I'm proud of you." James said. "Only your first job ever, after three other interviews."

"Yeah yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes taking a seat next to James. She rested her head on his shoulder. "You should've seen the guy who was interviewing me. He was so cute." Matilda smirked remembering his cute face and muscular arms.

Emma's eyes flickered to Grayson who clenched his jaw.

"Hope I get a couple of shifts with him." Matilda said looking up to James who shared her eagerness, probably wondering himself if he also had a chance with the hottie.

Abruptly Grayson got up and walked out. He didn't want to hear her talk about another guy. What could this guy have that he doesn't? Grayson didn't know what else he could possibly do to make Matilda notice him. It had been a few days since he tried to kiss her in Ireland.

They were slowly growing apart and Grayson hated it.

When Matilda first moved she insisted that she didn't need a bed buying for her, she could just sleep in the same one as him. But now, when Grayson wakes up in the middle of the night, he see's her asleep on the sofa.

"You okay?" Emma questioned him.

"Fine." He lied, bluntly.

"Grayson." She pushed, only trying to help him get whatever was going through his head, off his chest.

"I said I'm fine!" He shouted causing Emma to jump back in shock.

"Hey whats going on?" Matilda asked walking in, once she heard Grayson's raised voice.

"Nothing." They say at the same time.

"Okay." Matilda nodded wearily, she knew they had lied to her but if they didn't think she was worthy enough of knowing, she wasn't going to push. Instead she turned from the door and walked back into the living room.

"Give her time Grayson. She cares for you. I know it. She's just scared." Emma said sitting on his kitchen side.

"Then why is she talking about other guys?" Grayson asked running his hand over his face. Emma didn't know what to say.


"E, is Grayson okay?" Matilda asked sitting back down on the sofa, she knew he was in on their little secret.

"He should be fine." Ethan nodded knowing perfectly well that his brother was deathly jealous of the guy Matilda had been talking about.

"What's wrong with him?" Matilda questioned, obliviously.

"Oh honey, can't you see?" James asked turning to face her with a condescending smile.


"He is completely in love with you. And you won't even sit near him anymore."

Matilda couldn't look at anyone in the room because her guilt began to drown her. She knew she should've spoken to one of them about why she had done it, but she was scared.

She decided to distance herself from Grayson for multiple reasons;

1. Everyone in the fandom hated her and who could blame them?

2. To prevent Grayson from getting hurt because it was inevitable.


3. To prevent herself from getting hurt because already everything had got on top of her.

With tears building up in her eyes she stood up and without making eye contact managed to croak,

"I think I'm gonna get get some fresh air."

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now