fifty three

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Matilda took a deep breath before finding the courage to knock on Grayson's bedroom door.

"Come in." He replied. The door creaked open and Matilda walked in. She was instantly consumed by silence. His eyes flickered up to her as she turned and closed the door.

"You can do this." She whispered to herself.

She turned back to Grayson and slowly but surely made her way to his bed. Grayson placed down his phone on his bed side table to give the brunette his full attention.

"Just listen. Don't talk. You can talk after." Matilda said sternly and Grayson agrees with a nod. "Okay. Okay. How do I start?" She said, Grayson cracked a light smile.

That was the most that she had been herself around him in days.

"Umm. Yesterday you asked me what happened between us. Why I distanced myself from you?" He nodded. "I was scared." She answered simply. "I was scared of committing to someone again. After Noah I hadn't really been with anyone else. It just scared me too much. I didn't-don't want to ever go through that again."

She bit her chapped lips. If Emma saw her lips now she would more than likely kill the girl.

"I didn't want to get hurt." Grayson watched the girl talk as he sat in silence. "But most of all, I didn't want you to get hurt. I care about you too much to hurt you." Grayson sat up.

He was so tempted to talk but he knew that Matilda didn't want that and she would probably just shut him up till she finished.

"I knew that if we ever became something that I wouldn't be right for you. I wouldn't be the girlfriend that you want.... that you deserve."

Grayson had to disagree, Matilda was everything he wanted and more.

"I do care about you Grayson, even if my actions say differently." She paused waiting for him to talk.

"Can I talk now?" He questioned and Matilda nervously nodded. "You're a fucking idiot if you think for a second that I'll care if you're not the perfect girlfriend. I don't care Tilly. I want you. And all your flaws. I don't care if I get hurt in the process."

Matilda knew he was going to say something like that but no matter how much she had braced herself, she really wasn't ready to hear it come out of his mouth as broken as it sounded.


"Grayson" she cut him off, she couldn't hear anymore everything inside of her was shattering like glass.

She finally allowed herself to give him full eye contact and behind his slightly teared up eyes was a glare she had only once seen before,

And this time she wanted it just as much as he did, no matter how much she denied herself.

Grayson knew he wanted to kiss her but after everything he couldn't loose her again, his hand reached out to cup her left cheek. He swore he saw her glance down at his lips, but maybe he was making it up.

He craned his neck down to press their foreheads together, he just craved her touch, he'd missed her.

Matilda's hands ran up to his shoulders managing to link them behind his neck. She watched as he closed his eyes, knowing that this was killing him, abruptly deciding that this was all she actually wanted.

In a slow movement she brought her lips down upon his and Grayson felt his heart lighten, allowing his nervous butterflies to quickly exchange for excited one.

It was passionate and firm, yet Matilda would've explained his lips as soft and careful.

Their bodies pulled tight together, due to his Grayson's tight grip upon the small of her back and Matilda's eagerness to carry on until her lips were sore.

At that moment there was no one else in the world, that was until a hollow knock presented itself against Grayson's door and some how they managed to pull away just before Ethan swung the door open.

"Oh" he said in shock and after a second of analysing his brother and Matilda's flushes expression he repeated "oH" in a higher pitch followed by him screaming "OH" as if he had finally understood what had happened "oh my g- EMMMMAAAAA"

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