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Matilda sat on a little bench near the house. She sat in silence considering she left her phone in the house with her earphones.

"Hey." Grayson sat down beside her.

"Hey." Matilda said fiddling with the ends of her jumper.

An awkward silence consumed them. Matilda let out a deep sigh before turning to Grayson.

"I'm so sorry Grayson." She said, Grayson turned to look at her. He could see the tears that were forming in her eyes. "I never meant to hurt you. That was the thing that I wanted the least." She ran her hand through her hair. "So I think I should go and stay with Emma for a bit."

"What happened?" He questioned completely ignoring her last sentence.

"I don't know." She blatantly lied.

"Tilly." He said softly. Matilda's eyes filled with more tears. She bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from crying.

"Don't call me that." Matilda knew if he called her anything other than Matilda she would break. Grayson looked at the girl completely heartbroken, wondering what the fuck he had done.

"I don't understand what happened Tilly." He said ignoring her request. A tear slid down Matilda's face. Grayson was tempted to wipe it away but Matilda beat him to it. "Please tell me what I did wrong." Matilda closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You didn't do anything Gray." She said as a piece of her hair fell in front of her face, before she could move it, Grayson did. Instead of removing his hand straight away he left it there for a minute. Matilda resisted the urge to let her face nuzzle into his hand.

"If this about the fact that I wanted to kiss you then I'm sorry. If I would've known it was going to fuck up our friendship I would'nt have tried to kiss you." He said letting his hand fall limply.

"God no. Gray, it's not that, I promise." She said looking at his brown eyes. Her eyes then travelled up to his hair. He didn't do anything with it today, Matilda likes it best like that. It was always softer.

"Then I don't understand Tilly. How could we go from what we were to what we are now?" Tears we're now forming in his eyes. He had lost one of the best things in his life.

"Please don't make me explain Grayson." She begged. Grayson went to say something but decided against it.

"I'll see you inside." He said walking back to the house. Matilda let out a shaky breath before pulling her legs up to her chest to sob into her knees.

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