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"Happy holidays bitches!" James said.

"Bitchass." Matilda mumbled just after James.

"Usually we just say we're back." Grayson smiled.

"That works too." James shrugged.

"What's up guys we're back and-" Grayson cut off Ethan.

"Today, ohhhh boy!"

"Oh boy so much!" Ethan put his head in his hands.

"I'm so nervous for this video!" James said in a high pitch tone. Grayson screamed making Matilda look at him confused.

"Emma you should say something now." Ethan said looking at his girlfriend.

"Yay." She smiled sarcastically.



"What we did was we decided that we wanted to get each other dream gifts. We said don't spend a lot of money but we ended up spending more money than we've actually ever spent." Ethan laughed.

"On anything ever. Beside a house or a car."

"Speak for yourself." Matilda leaned forward almost falling off the couch. "I work at a coffee shop so I'm fucking poor."



"Okay I think the way we're gonna do it is we're gonna pick a person and everyone gives their gifts to that one person one by one. So who should be the first person?" Ethan said as they now sat under the Christmas tree.

"Me!" Emma said raising her hand.

"Shall we go youngest to oldest?" Grayson suggested. Matilda rested her head on Grayson's shoulder. That meant she was second.

"Matilda will give her gift to Emma, Grayson will give his. I'll give mine and you give yours to Emma." Ethan said pointing at everyone. "You're sweating already!" Ethan pointed out, Emma covered her face with her hands as she anxiously waited.

"No! I don't wanna talk about it!" Emma said peeking through her fingers as a heavy blush spread across her cheeks.

"Who's gonna start?" Ethan asked.

"Me." Matilda said standing up. "Move out of my way bitchass." Matilda said stepping over Emma.


Earlier in the week

"Hey guys. So I'm at a pharmacy right now. And I am feeling extremely awkward cause I'm buying a box of condoms." Matilda looked at the different boxes. "I wonder what size *bleep* Ethan is." Matilda thought for a second. "Definitely smaller than Grayson." She said picking up a random box. She walked over to the counter and smiled at the old lady.

"Okay so that was horrible!" Matilda exaggerates as she got into Grayson's car that she borrowed. "I fucking hated that."

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