fifty eight

508 7 3


"Hey guys, once again I'm joined with Grayson." She introduced.

"What's up guys." He waved with a huge grin. 

"Wow look at his cute grin😍"



"Today we're gonna be answering some of your questions about us." Matilda said pulling out her phone. Grayson snaked his arms around Matilda's waist and rested his head on her shoulder. "Okay so first question is are you dating?" They both remained silent.




"When did you start dating?" Grayson read with a chuckle.

"Around three days ago, despite what some of you may think."

Matilda inserted a load of conspiracy theories that they started dating when they first met.



"When did you realised you first liked each other?" Matilda leaned further back into Grayson.

"I knew straight away." Grayson mumbled.

"Wait really?" Matilda asked in shock, a grin growing on her lips.

"Yeah." He smiled.

Matilda zoomed in on Grayson and put hearts over his eyes as he looked at her.

"I realised about three month ago." Grayson grabbed her hand and began to fiddle with her fingers, staring ahead in a trance.

"You doing okay Gray?"



"Would you rather be called baby, hunny or darling."

"Baby." Matilda answered quickly.

"I mean I go with what ever she calls me. Some times that's dickhead, ugly mother fucker-"

"Okay I don't call you those." Matilda said tilting her head so she can see him.

"No, for real though she calls me either Grayson, Gray or Bailey."

"Those weren't the choices but okay."



"How many kids do you want?" Grayson mumbled.

"2, one boy, one girl and I want the boy to be older so he can take care of his little sister." Matilda grinned.

"Baby, you do realise that you can't choose which gender you have first?" Grayson reminded.

"I know. But as long as they're healthy, I don't care." She smiled.

"I'd have two too." Grayson agreed.



"Where do you want to go for your honey moon?" Matilda paused. "Cause were married now apparently. The options are Hawaii, Paris or London."

"Hawaii." Grayson moved back making Matilda fall considering she was still leaning on him.

"Paris." Matilda shook her head at Grayson's answer.

"That's where I'm going to propose to you." Matilda smiled with a little blush, even though Grayson was probably joking.

"You heard it hear first guys, if Grayson ever takes me to Paris it's cause he's gonna propose." Matilda said then turned he camera around to zoom in on Grayson who was also editing his video.



"Okay thank you guys for watching, I'll leave Grayson's YouTube that he does with his brother Ethan down below- not like none of you don't know them already. Aha. Don't forget to like and subscribe thanks byeee."

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