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Matilda shot up once she heard a loud bang. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Maybe she was just dreaming she thought.

She turned on her side to go back to sleep. The bang hadn't woke Emma up so she assumed she was imagining it.

Another crash made Matilda's eyes fly open. She looked to Emma again, who had woke up this time.

"What the fuck was that?" Matilda asked anxiously looking to her best friend.

"Probably the cat." Emma said turning on her side to snuggle back into her sheets.

"Emma you don't have a cat." Matilda hissed.

"Oh fuck." Emma said grabbing her phone from the side. "Call the boys?" She suggested. Matilda nodded, and dialed Ethan's number. "E?" She whispered.

"What's up?" He asked groggily, she had probably just woke him up.

"I think someone's in the house." Matilda grabbed Emma's hand to prevent her from leaving the bedroom.

"What?" Ethan asked more alarmed.

"We think someone's in Emma's house." Matilda whispered again.

"Okay. Okay. I'm gonna grab Grayson and we're gonna come now okay?" Ethan panicked and the girls could hear his frantic movements "Grayson!" Ethan shoved his brother awake.

"What?" Grayson rubbed his eyes.

"It's Matilda and Emma." Ethan said, Grayson furrowed his brows. "Just come with me." Ethan demanded. "Are you still there?" Ethan asked the brunettes back into the phone.

"Yeah we're still here. We're in Emma's bathroom. Here I'll put her on." Matilda then handed Emma her phone.


Matilda began to panic more noticing the shadow outside the bathroom. She grabbed Emma's arm tightly.

It was reminding her of Noah all over again.

Ever since that night at her house with Noah getting into her house and Grayson getting rid of him, she had been scared to sleep alone.

Matilda's breathing increased, she was almost certain she was going to have a panic attack.

"Hey, calm down. They'll be here soon." Emma hushed pulling her best friend into a tight hug.

"I can't-" Matilda took a deep shaky breath.

"Here speak to Grayson." Emma handed Matilda the phone.


Matilda closes her eyes and imagined Grayson in the room with her. It seemed to calm her down slightly.

"Hey, you'll be okay. Alright. We're nearly there." Grayson said, his hands shaking too.

The bathroom door handle twisted making both the girls jump.

"Matilda." Noah's voice echoed. Emma and Matilda shared a look. "I know you're in there. And your boyfriend isn't here to protect you this time." Noah banged on the door. Matilda was getting flashbacks to that night.

"G-Gr-Grayson?" She stuttered. Emma pulled Matilda tightly, she could feel her shaking. "It's-"

"It's Noah." Emma took the phone off Matilda noticing how she was now struggling to form any type of sentence.

"We're here." Grayson said hanging up and walking into Emma's house with Ethan. They both headed upstairs to the bathroom. "Tilly!" Grayson shouted.

Matilda relaxed hearing his voice. She unlocked the bathroom door and ran into his arms. She immediately began crying.

Emma went to Ethan, he scanned her up and down to make sure she was okay, once he noticed she was he brought her into a hug.

"Where is he?" Grayson gritted through his teeth.

"We don't know. He was in here." Emma said looking to Grayson who held a shaking Matilda in his arms.

Matilda didn't care about the cheating accusations at the moment in time. She loved Grayson. He made her feel safe.

"I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill him." Grayson said as Matilda's grip tightened on him.

"How about we get them back home?" Ethan suggested. Emma nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Grab your things." Grayson said. Matilda pulled away from Grayson but didn't move an inch. She was too shaken up.

"Matty?" Emma said passing Matilda her bag. Matilda turned to look at Emma completely in shock.

She grabbed the bag and looked back at Grayson. He gently grabbed her quivering hand before they walked into Emma's room.

Everyone assumed that Noah must've left once the twins rolled up. Grayson sat Matilda on the bed as he packed up her things.

"Grayson." Matilda whispered, not even sure if he heard her.


"I'm sorry." A tear slid down her cheek.

"No baby, it's okay." He said sitting next to her, searching her face for a way to calm her other than his natural instinct to kiss her.

"Was it you? The photo." She asked fearfully.

"No. I promise it wasn't." He said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Okay. I believe you." She said offering him the smallest smile she could muster up.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now