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"Hey guys, today I'm joined with James Charles." Matilda announced pulling James into a side hug.

"Hi sisters." James smiled enthusiastically.

"He is going to doing my make up as I'm going on a date with Grayson."

Editing: "Is it strange that I was so nervous even though were dating?"



"Okay were just going to keep it fairly natural, I think I'm going to give you a brown smokey eye with a nude pink lip." James said staring at Matilda. Matilda just nodded, not like she knew what was best, she barely wore make up.



Matilda now had her foundation and concealer on. James was now moving onto bronzer and highlighter.

Editing: "Blinding the haters." Matilda then showed them her highlighter

Grayson walked in with a smile as he watch his girlfriend get his make up done.

"Hey baby." He mumbled as he sat next to her on the bed.

"Hey." She smiled with a small blush.

"You need to leave." James said shooing him out.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I want it to be a surprise when she walks into your room." James said pursing his lips.

"Right." Grayson nodded and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

Editing: "Poor Grayson, he looked so confused."



James was now doing the eye shadow, he knew what he wanted and he didn't want to fuck up.

"This is sister stressful." James said as he dipped his brush into a light brown.

"Don't get stressed. It's only for Grayson." Matilda laughed making James chuckle.

"Your first date together." He gushed.

"I'm nervous." Matilda admitted. "I know it's only Grayson. But it's nerve-racking going on a first date."

"You'll be fine." James reassured.



"This is the end result, I hope you all enjoyed the video. I will see you next time. Byee."

The video ended with a cute montage of the make up James had done, ending with a small clip of James imitating himself while he did his own intro, plugging Matilda instead.

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