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Matilda was laid in her bed. Emma had just text her saying that she was uploading in a minute.

Matilda being the supporting best friend that she was, got her packet of maltesers and set up her laptop. She clicked on the video as soon as she got the notification that it was uploaded.

The girl watched Emma's awkward intro as she laughed at her best friend, she missed her goofy face she was just lucky enough to see her through the screen- as was everyone else.

Matilda wondered who the two good looking boys were when they jumped onto Emma's air mattress.

Matilda didn't remember the last time she saw Emma with a full face of make up. It was... different.

Matilda burst out laughing once the video zoomed in on Grayson and he dove on to where Emma was just sat with the biggest smile on his face.

She picked up a couple of maltesers and attempted to throw them up and catch them in her mouth, but failed, miserably.

Matilda's heart melted once Grayson talked about Emma so positively, she was really lucky to have people around her like that. She made sure to give the video a like as soon as it ended.

Matilda then watched the video on James channel and the twins.

After watching one video of the twins she began to go into older videos of theirs. She vibed with their humour and related to their hyper-ness.

She went onto Grayson's Instagram page and decided to scroll through his feed, she had a nearly screamed once she saw him shirtless.


She couldn't believe Emma was spending time with guys this good looking. Lucky Bitch.

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