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Matilda held Grayson's hand as he pulled them through the house. With no sign of Noah on the first floor, they headed upstairs.

It was eerily quiet, which was giving both of them anxiety.

Matilda didn't want anything to happen to Grayson and Grayson didn't want anything to happen to Matilda.

He wished he never let her leave LA or that he came with her to Ireland, but instead he stayed and he let her go. Biggest mistake of his life.

"Hey Grayson, how you doing?" Noah asked, he was laid on Matilda's bed. He looked so cocky as if he owned the place.

Matilda's grip on Grayson tightened.

"I'm only gonna tell you once, get out." Grayson said putting Matilda behind him, protectively.

"Oooh is that a threat?" Noah asked cracking his knuckles. He then stood up with a big smirk playing on his face.

Matilda pulled Grayson back, not wanting him to get hurt. He could take Noah, there was no doubt about that, but Matilda was scared for him.

Grayson pulled Matilda off of him and grabbed Noah by his shirt.

"I said get out." Grayson shouted shoving him back. This clearly riled Noah up as he swung his arm fully back and it smashed into contact with Grayson's nose.

"Grayson!" Matilda shouted in shock but he straightened himself as if the punch had done nothing to him.

Grayson grabbed Noah once more and pulled him down the stairs. Noah struggled but couldn't do anything, no matter how hard he fought.

"If you ever come near Matilda again, so help me God, I will kill you. Do you understand?" Grayson shouted as he pulled Noah up to a wall.

All Noah did was smirk, he knew this was riling Grayson up which was why he was enjoying it so much.

Grayson pulled him away from the wall and threw him back against it. Noah winced.

"Do you understand?"

Noah nodded but Matilda was not so sure he got the message.

Grayson then threw him out of the house landing him in the snow, people on the streets looking at both him and Grayson in confusion.

Grayson let out a deep sigh before shutting the door. He turned to Matilda who had tears forming in her eyes.

Grayson grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. He rested his head on top of hers.

"It's okay, he's gone."

"I don't know what I would've done if you weren't here. I was so scared." She mumbled into his chest.

"No need to be scared anymore." He placed a light kiss on top of her head.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now