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graysondolan posted on his Snapchat story

graysondolan posted on his Snapchat story

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ethandolan posted on his Snapchat story

The messages were blowing up Matilda's phone and each notification made her cry even more

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The messages were blowing up Matilda's phone and each notification made her cry even more. She knew she was hurting people and it was breaking her.

She finally, through blurred eyes, picked up the phone and stared at it blankly. Her friends spamming like she'd never seen before. Surely it was only fair if she read the messages, even if she didn't respond.


Sister squad

What the fuck is going on?

You're back with your ex?

Please explain why you'd get back with him

Yeah please do! Why would you get back with someone who hurt you, cheated on you, ABUSED YOU

Wait, he did what?

Shit, we didn't know that


Matilda couldn't believe what she was reading, everything she had been holding in, the biggest secret she wanted to keep back until she was confident enough to speak about it, was just there out in the open. Not only did her two friends know, but Grayson knew and that broke her heart.

She couldn't hold in the outrage anymore, that was her secret to share not anyone else's.


Emma why the fuck would you tell them?

You have no clue what's going on

Then tell us

Explain it to us then

I can't


Matilda smashed her fist into her head muttering insulting words to herself, until she read the next notification.


Cut her some slack if she wants to get back with her abusive, cheating ex then let her screw her life up by doing that

I didn't mean to hurt anyone

I'm sorry


And with that she switched off her phone and threw it across her bedroom, not caring where it went or what damage it had caused.

The damage had already been done, Grayson was gone out of her life for good now, she was sure of it.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now