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"Sit down." Grayson said with a huge smile. Matilda gave him a confused. "Sit down." He insisted. Matilda could tell he was excited.

"Bailey, what's going on?" Matilda asked slightly nervous.

"I made you something." Matilda's heart swelled, he sounded like a child who made something for their moms at school. "Just don't say anything okay?" Grayson linked his phone up to his speakers.

"Okay." Matilda nodded, she picked at her nail varnish as Grayson set everything up.

Matilda smiled as 'All I want' started playing. He walked over to her and pulled her up from the bed. His hand rested lightly on her waist, her hand on his shoulder and their others were intertwined. She rested her head on his shoulder as they swayed to the beat of the music. Matilda listened to his steady heartbeat.

"Awww." Emma cooed as she walked into Grayson's room. "Ethan! Why aren't you like this with me?" Emma whined.

Ethan wrapped his arms around Emma's waist and rested his head on her shoulders.

'All of me' finished and Matilda smiled at Emma, she knew her best friend was happy and so was she and she couldn't have asked for anything more in that moment.

'Out of my league' began to play. Emma and Matilda shared a knowing glance before Matilda pulled away from Grayson and dragged Emma out of Ethan's grip.

The two girls bounced to the music. Their dancing was totally off and both their boyfriends filmed them, but they didn't care. They were happy.

Ethan eventually wrapped his hand around Emma's flailing arms and pulled her into his body, beginning to dance with her.

Matilda made her way back to Grayson.

"I love you. You know that right?"

"I know that." Grayson smiled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Matilda's ear "And I love you too." He whispered.

"You're a cliche. You made me a mixtape." Matilda grinned her whole body warm with affection.

"I know." He chuckled with a beam and a slight spread of blush upon his high cheeks.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now