fifty four

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Matilda was reluctant about going to Jersey with Emma and the twins for their birthday, but they all insisted so now she was going.

Matilda was packing a bag, not sure what to actually take with her. She had several different types of clothes scattered on Grayson's bed.

The bedroom door opened but she didn't pay any attention to it until a pair of arms wrapped around her waist making her smile. She leaned her head back into Grayson's chest as he placed a light kiss on her cheek.

"I don't know what to pack." She complained. Grayson scanned the bed and, of course, picked up a revealing top.

"Yes." He said folding it up and putting it in her bag.

"No." She said taking it straight out with an eye roll "I'm not wearing that in front of your family." She said tilting her head slightly so she could see him.

Grayson stuck his bottom lip out like a child making Matilda chuckle. She gave his cheeks a little squish.

"Will it be cold?" She asked curiously and he nodded. She grabbed his hands which were around her waist and removed them to head to his wardrobe.

After trying extremely hard to reach them, she pulled out a few hoodies.

"Excuse me?" He questioned.

"You're excused." She said taking them off of their hangers and placing them into her bag followed by some jeans. She then went to grab her toothbrush and face washes from the bathroom.

Meanwhile Grayson grabbed the top from before and put it in the bottom of the bag- just for fun.

He sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Matilda to walk in. She packed the rest of her things before zipping it up.

"Ready?" He questioned as he slung her bag over his shoulder.



Matilda and Grayson sat together on the flight.

"I'm nervous." Matilda admits, her nerves causing her to slightly shake.

"Don't be. They'll love you." Grayson said rubbing up and down her arms. Matilda rested her head against Grayson's shoulder and let out a sigh. He placed a quick peck on top of her head.

"Can we watch tangled?" Matilda questioned as it was one of her favourite Disney movies. Grayson chuckled but nodded. He pulled out his laptop and reluctantly put the movie on, each with one earphone in. It was hard to hear considering everyone was talking so they put the subtitles on.


Hours into the flight and Matilda and Grayson had both fallen asleep on top of each other. Ethan and Emma being the immature children they hadn't grown out of, took random photos of them to bully them with later.

"You owe me $30." Ethan says.

"What? Bitch no." Emma said shaking her head and scoffing at her boyfriend.

"You said they'd kiss on New Years. I bet they'd kiss before. Therefore, you owe me $30. Annnnd we shook on it." Ethan said remembering correctly as Emma rolled her eyes.

"You're not getting it, so suck it, fatty." Emma said with a playful glint in her eyes. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her into his chest.

"I hate you." Ethan said jokingly.

"No you don't." Emma said looking up at him through her lashes.

"I know I don't." Emma smiled with a small blush.

"I love you." She whispered and like always, Ethan's heart fluttered.

"I love you too."

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now