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Alex knocked on the door of Matilda's house. He heard about what happened last night, some douchebag was gloating about spiking Matilda's drink, but Alex was too drunk to even think about going to beat up the guy.

"Hey?" Grayson said as he opened the door. He looked at Alex in confusion.

"Is Matilda Okay?" He questioned straight away not even bothering to introduce himself.

"Shes fine, she's sleeping." Grayson said furrowing his brows at the boy, why the fuck did he care?

"She got spiked at the party. Are you sure she's okay?" Alex asked panicked, looking behind Grayson into his house to see if he could see her. Grayson's eyes widened.

"You What?!" His voice raised slightly, Ethan ran to the front door to check on his irated brother.

"Gray?" Ethan questioned confused, looking between him and the boy at the door.

"She got spiked?" He questioned his brother.

"How'd you find out?" Ethan asked glancing at Alex who still looked worried.

"You knew! And YOUDIDNT TELL ME?" Grayson shouted at his brother, he was furious.

Grayson pushed his brother back slamming Ethan into the wall. He didn't fight back, he just let him get out some of his anger, he knew he should've told him but he would've only reacted this way yesterday.

Alex couldn't watch Grayson hurt his own brother so he stepped in.

"Let's worry about Matilda here shall we?" Alex raised his voice. He genuinely cared about the girl. "I know who did it." Both boys turned to look at him stopping dead in their tracks.

"Who." Grayson demanded scaring Alex even though he was certain that he was older than the boy.

"His names Noah." Alex replied.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard." Grayson clenched his fists. He turned to his brother, clenching his jaw visibly in anger. "Call Emma. Get her to come over to take care of Tilly." Grayson ordered.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now