thirty one

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Matilda's suitcase was on top of Grayson's unmade bed still warm from where they had been cuddling.

She was checking she had packed all her things for the seventh time, she was so anxious. She finally let out a deep sigh and went to zip up her case.

Grayson walked in with a cup of hazelnut coffee. He knew it was her favourite and it was the least he could do right now. Matilda smiled at him with tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want to leave. Grayson placed down the cup and went to hug her.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." She whispers gripping on to his shirt.

"I can still come with you." Grayson offers.

Matilda pulled away with a smile although she wanted that more than anything in the world, she knew she had to decline.

"Don't be daft. You need to be here with your brother to film your videos." Matilda inspired.


"Bailey, it's okay. I'm just sad I'm leaving." She turns away from him and pulled her case off of his bed. "Thanks for letting me stay here majority of the nights." She laughed.

They always spent the night at the twins place rather than Emma's, of course she didn't mind, who would've minded?

"No problem. I liked the company." He responded with a sad smile, it suddenly dawning on him that it would go back to him being lonely- watching as his brother and Emma cuddled.

Matilda leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Promise you'll call?" Grayson asked staring into her eyes deeply, Matilda nodded.

They both walked out of Grayson's room, to see Emma hugging Ethan. Clearly she was upset.

"Let's get going." Ethan said rubbing up and down his girlfriends arm. Emma sat in the back with Grayson and Matilda. Matilda held both of their hands.


Everyone walked Matilda to the security as that was as far they could go. Matilda put her bag on the ground and looked up at everyone.

"I'll miss you all." She smiled because that's all she could do, she didn't want to break down in front of them so she held onto her stinging tears. She could see the tears forming in Emma's eyes and her heart broke.

She hugged James first.

"I'll see you sister soon." James said making Matilda chuckle.

"You know it."

She then moved to Ethan.

"Take care of Emma. If you hurt one hair on her head I'll fly over here and kill you myself." She whispered into Ethan's ear.

"I will I promise. And I don't doubt that for one second." He said pulling away and giving her a sergeants salute.

Matilda turned to Emma and pulled her in for a hug. Emma didn't want to let go. She wished her best friend could stay.

"I'm gonna miss you bitchass." Emma said making Matilda laugh.

"You can always come and visit. And I'll be back. Don't you worry." She reassured Emma. She nodded and pulled away from the brunette.

Matilda turned to look at Grayson. She couldn't bring herself to say goodbye. She had only known this boy a couple of weeks and he already meant so much to her.

Ethan nodded at everyone to give them a minute. They all walked away leaving the two staring at each other.

"Holy fuck." Grayson ran his hand over his face. "I really don't want you to go."

"I don't wanna go either." She said grabbing his hand. "But I've got to."

Grayson let go of Matilda's hand and cupped her cheeks. He wiped the stray tear as Matilda took a deep breath.She wrapped her arms around the boy lingering there for as long as she possibly could

"Passengers for flight 561 please head to gate 3 now." The voice on the intercom said. That was Matilda's fight. She looked up to Grayson.

"That's me." She says sadly. He nodded.

"I'll see you soon Bailey." She smiled.

"I'll hold you to that."

Matilda grabbed her bag and walked away. She couldn't bring herself to turn around because she knew if she did, she would run straight back into that boys arms.

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