thirty three

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Matilda saw Grayson's Snapchat story and remembered that she'd promise to FaceTime him when she got home.

She knew it would be late over there but she promised.

She clicked FaceTime. It rang for a while until it said connecting. Grayson rubbed his eyes before looking at the screen. He smiled and that was when Matilda noticed his retainers.

"You never wore them when I was with you

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"You never wore them when I was with you." She said resting her hand on her face.

Grayson laughed,

"I know." He tried to move on quickly "How did your flight go?"

"Okay, I was nervous but other than that, okay." She smiled trying to downplay the six panic attacks she had before and during the flight.

"Good." He yawned.

"I should let you go to sleep." Matilda sighed knowing that it was going to be like this most the time now

"I can't sleep. I've been trying for at least an hour. I miss my cuddle buddy." Grayson said truthfully and it made Matilda's heart flutter.

Matilda smiled but rolled her eyes.

"I'll stay with you until you fall asleep, how about that?" Grayson nodded and propped his phone on his desk across from his face smushed into his pillow.

Matilda busied herself by tidying around the house, she hated it back in Ireland after being in LA just because she literally had no one anymore... and it was much colder.

Around an hour later she noticed that Grayson had fallen to sleep, she noticed that his body was wrapped round a vertical pillow. She smiled at the boy and took a screen shot.

"Goodnight Grayson." She whispered before ending the call.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now