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"Morning Alex." Matilda smiled as she tied her apron around her back in a small bow.

"Morning Matilda." Alex smiled as he handed a customer their coffee. "How's your day been so far?"

"Ok, spent it with Emma. The boys went out somewhere." Matilda shrugged. "You?"

"Serving coffee. I've been waiting for a call from Emily though." He mumbled looking at his phone again anxiously.

"Emily? Who's she?" Matilda questioned leaning on the counter top looking up at the boy.

Alex couldn't help but smile at the thought of the girl.

"Ooh Someone special I'm guessing?" Matilda teased wiggling her eyebrows in his direction.

"She's my girlfriend." Alex mumbled with a small blush across his cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that." Matilda said cupping her ear teasingly.

"She's my girlfriend." Alex said louder, a few of the customers turned to look at him.

"Let me see her." Matilda said standing next to Alex. Alex groaned and pulled his phone out.

"Oh my god, you're so cute together." Matilda gushed as he showed her a photo of the pair. "When can I meet her?"

"Never." Alex chuckled.


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