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"Hey guys, I'm joined with James today. He decided to surprise-"

"Sister surprise." James added making Matilda crack a smile.

"Sister surprise me. He flew all the way to Ireland just to fly to LA with me because I'm scared of flying alone." She blushed but for some reason didn't mind her subscribers knowing her weaknesses

"Isn't he just the sweetest human ever?"



"So we've just gone past security and now we're on our way to LA. I'm so excited. I haven't seen Emma in so long." She bounced like a hyperactive puppy.

"Not the only reason you're excited though is it?" James gave her a suggestive smirk.

"Shut up." Matilda bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling.

"look how hard I'm trying not to blush."



"We're on the plane now. So I'm probably not gonna vlog this because I feel way to awkward." Matilda said turning off her camera.

*Lies* flash across the screen as she showed the view from the plane



"We found a subscriber." Matilda said as she recorded the girl.

"Hey, subscribe." She said pointing down bellow which made Matilda giggle.

"Ayeee." James smiled as he took a photo with the girl for her.

"She was so cute."



"Wow I'm more nervous now. We're in fucking LA. I'm actually here." Matilda smiled as James text Ethan. He was hoping that he could pick them up because he couldn't be bothered to get an Uber back.

"Don't be, Grayson can't wait to see you." James reassured.

"Wait do he and Emma know that I'm here?" Matilda asked with a raised brow.


"Surprise bitches."



"Okay so Ethan, Emma and Grayson are on there way here apparently. The know that James needs picking up but they don't know that I'm here. So we're gonna surprise them." The camera was shaking slightly from how much Matilda was shaking. "I can't believe you actually did this for me. I love you so much." She said hugging James.

"I love you with my whole heart James."



James was recording.

Ethan just text saying that he was here so he offered to record for Matilda. She was bouncing up and down from how nervous she was. She began to bite the inside of her cheeks.

She was seeing Emma for the first time in a year and Grayson for the first time ever. Oh and Ethan too.

"James. Oh my god. That's them." Matilda's eyes got watery seeing her best friend. "Holy shit." Matilda shook her hands to prevent herself from breaking down.

Emma must've spotted her as she started to run up to the girl. She pulled Emma in for a hug as soon as she reached her.

"What the fuck! How are you here?" Emma asked in shock.

"I've missed you so much." Matilda smiled. She looked up from Emma's shoulder to see the twins pushing past some people to see why Emma ran.

Matilda pulled away from Emma once she saw Grayson. She smiled at him, not too sure what to do. He walked up to her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. Grayson was in complete shock. He didn't even know what to say.

"Surprise." James smiled.

"These are the exact freeze frames from when we hugged, enjoy"

Editing: "These are the exact freeze frames from when we hugged, enjoy"

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"Okay thanks for watching guys. Please like and subscribe. Umm yeah. I'm still really emotional. I can't believe this is real. So yeah. Byeee."

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