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"Bro." Grayson said walking into Ethan's room, making sure to shut the door. "I need your help."

"Yeah what's up?" Ethan paused his game and span around to face Grayson who now sat on his bed, nervously fiddling with his fingers. "Gray?" Ethan asked worriedly.

"I think-I think I want t-to ask Tilly to marry me." Ethan's eyes widened but before he could respond Grayson continued talking. "I love her. And I couldn't picture my life without her."

"And you need my help to what? Ask her?" Ethan almost chuckled.

"For me to pick out a ring." Grayson responded.

"Ok. Lets go."

Ethan wasn't sure if his brother was serious about proposing to Matilda. Though he knew one thing for sure, Grayson had never looked at anyone the same way he looked at Matilda.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now