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"What the fuck is this?!" Matilda shouted throwing Grayson the photo of him and another girl, printed upon Matilda's iPhone. Grayson looked at her confused. "What is it Grayson?"

"What? I don't know?" He said calmly, not wanting to get angry, but it was clear Matilda was already angered.

"I-I can't believe y-you've done this." Matilda quivered, running her hand over her face.

"Baby I didn-"

"It's fucking you Grayson. Your earring. Are you telling me it's just a freaking coincidence that you both have the same fucking earring?" She shouted as she began to shake ferociously.

"I guess!" Grayson said going to grab her hand but she shoved him away.

"Don't you fucking dare." She shook her head. "I can't b-believe you'd do this to me. After e-everything that happened." She took a deep shaky breath, trying to stop her from letting loose of a great sob.

"I didn't baby, I promise. I don't know what this is but it isn't me!" He raised his voice with every word.

"Bullshit." She cried, storming out of their shared bedroom. Grayson followed after her, Emma, Ethan and James all looked at the couple.

"Where you going?" Grayson shouted noticing she was putting her shoes on, her hands were shaking so badly that it took her multiple attempts to pull them on.

"Away from my cheater of an ex boyfriend." Grayson stumbled back as if the words had physically shoved him back.

"What?" His voice cracked.

Ex? Instead of replying Matilda stormed out. Grayson looked to Ethan, Emma and James with tears in his eyes.

By the shocked expressions plastered upon their faces he concluded he had indeed heard right.

Everything within him shattered and all he could do was stare at the door, she had slammed shut, wiped of any happiness he had ever had.

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now