forty two

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Matilda peered out of her bedroom window, she could see the snow beginning to settle, she was so excited for Christmas.

She glanced down at the streets and saw a hooded figure staring into her house, up at her bedroom window. Matilda's eyes widened and she drew the curtains shut. She ran downstairs and locked her front and back door.

She could tell that the hooded figure was Noah.

Her phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered the no called ID, wearily.

"Hey babe, why'd you lock the doors?" As Noah said that, the door handle turned.

"Go away Noah." She panicked, walking up stairs and locking herself in her bedroom.

"Babe, come on. Don't be daft, let me in."

Matilda hung up but she could still hear the pounds on the door

"LET ME IN" he screamed but it was muffled. Matilda didn't know what to do, her breathing had rapidly increased so she did what she thought was best.

She called Emma.

"Hey, look I'm so-"

"Emma." Emma stopped talking one she heard how panicked Matilda was.

"Matilda? What's wrong?"

"Noah's outside." She breathed heavily feeling her whole body shake with fear.

"Okay, calm down. You'll be fine. Just stay inside. Helps on its way."

"What do you mean helps on its way?" Matilda question with a quivering voice, she heard a bang which made her jump.

"Okay, I wasn't suppose to tell you but Grayson took a flight yesterday after E told him the true story, he's coming to see you. He landed about an hour ago. Ethan said he's heading over to yours straight away."

"What! Why would he do that?" Matilda asked as her heart began to race. So many things could happen, her head began to cloud with bad thoughts and situations that could occur.

"Because he cares about you Matilda." Emma said sincerely. "Ethan's just called him, he's going to be there in ten. Just hold on."

Matilda couldn't stop shaking. Noah's bangs on the door we're getting louder, each one making Matilda jump.

She kept looking out her her window waiting for the taxi that she assumed Grayson would be in. She kept telling herself that everything would be okay but she wasn't too sure anymore.

Matilda had no clue how he knew where she lived, she assumed that Emma told him.

"Matilda? Are you still there?" Emma asked worriedly through the phone.

"Yeah. I'm still here." She replied.

But Matilda was way more occupied because she had noticed it had gotten really quiet.

"I think he's in the house." Matilda hisses into the phone. Her heart rate increased even more, if that was even possible.

"What?" Emma was concerned for her friends safety, she wished Grayson's stupid taxi driver would hurry up.

"Matty!" Noah's voiced echoed through the hall way.

"Emma he's in the house." Her breathing became ragged.

"Matty Babe. Where are you?" She heard the floor board from outside her bedroom creak. She saw his shadow walk away.

She let out a little sigh of relief.

Matilda checked the window once more, still no sign of Grayson. She began to bite her fingernails.

"Emma I'm scared." She blubbered backing herself up to the wall furthest away from the door

"Grayson gonna be there in two minutes just hold on." Emma was now sat with Ethan. Matilda was on speakerphone, the pair anxiously sat in anticipation, they hated that they couldn't do anything for her right now.

"Just take deep breaths." Ethan tries to soothe but no matter how hard Matilda tried calmed down she just couldn't do it.

That was until a car pulled up along the pavement.

"He's here. Grayson here." She said looking out the window watching the boy pay that taxi driver.

She then noticed how Grayson left his stuff and ran into the house. Noah must've left the front door open.

"Tilly?" Grayson shouted. "Are you okay?" Matilda unlocked her door and stuck her head out before running down stairs into Grayson's arms.

Finally she felt safe.

"Noah's in the house." She whispered fearfully and Grayson tensed.

"Where?" He demanded.

"I don't know."

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now