twenty three

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Grayson woke up with his arm wrapped around Matilda's waist. He assumed it was early, he always woke up early.

He slowly moved his arm off of her, trying not to wake her up. He turned to look at his clock which read 12:46. His eyes widened. He's never slept in this late. He always woke up at 6.

Matilda turned over, her eyes still shut and wrapped herself around him as if he was a teddy. She rested her head on his chest.

Grayson smiled at the girl. He ran his fingers through her hair rhythmically. His door creaked open to reveal Emma.

She was wearing his brothers jumper which fell to her knees and drowned her arms so much that he couldn't tell where her hands were.

"Hey." She whispered through the door and Grayson just smiled in response. That's all he seemed to be doing lately, smiling, and he wasn't complaining.

Emma's eyes flickered between her best friend and Grayson, she trusted him but she was still weary.

"She's been through a lot Grayson. Don't hurt her." She warned with a stern and serious face which made Grayson worry.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He promised, looking down at Matilda with loving eyes before turning back to her best friend. "Hey what's with that Noah?"

Emma took a deep breath,

"That's not my story to tell." Her eyes looked sadly towards Matilda, which didn't go unnoticed by Grayson. "She'll tell you when she's good and ready. Just don't rush her." Grayson nodded.

"Got it."

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now