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Ethan saw the E!News article about James and Matilda been spotted at the airport together.

He looked up to his brother and his girlfriend who were also on their phones. He knew if they knew they would've said something.

Grayson couldn't stop talking about the girl since he first messaged her, and Emma hasn't seen her in a year so if she knew she would be running around the house screaming more than likely.

"I've got a video idea." Ethan said suddenly making the pair look up to him.

"Okay?" Emma nodded.

"I think we should go without our phones for 24 hours and the first one to go on their phone loses and has to do a consequence." Ethan said randomly. The flight from Ireland to LA takes 11 hours, he just needed to make sure they didn't see the article.

"Why do I have to do it?" Emma asked scrolling through her Instagram feed.

"Because I said so." Ethan said taking her phone off of her and putting it in his pocket. He then did the same with Grayson's.


Ethan decided to go to the beach with Emma and Grayson to past time. While Emma was taking photos of Grayson on her Polaroid camera.

Ethan took a quick glimpse at his phone to see if there had been any updates, while they were occupied. There hadn't been a thing. It had been 3 hours since he read the article, so he only had 8 more hours to keep them distracted. Can't be THAT hard...right?

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now