forty seven

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"I think I want to move to LA." Matilda said randomly. Grayson looked at her with raised brows, not sure if he heard her right.

"You what?" He questioned.

"I think I want to move to LA." She repeated and then paused before talking again "I mean, why not? I'd feel safer. My friends are there." Her eyes flickered up to Grayson's. "Your there." Grayson blushed.

"Am I not a friend now?" He said pretending to be offended.

Matilda's eyes widened. "That's not what I meant!"

"Then What did you mean?" Grayson licked his lips and stepped closer to the girl. Her heart started to beat faster.

"I-Umm-" She stumbled upon her words. Grayson let out a light chuckle before grabbing her waist.

Instinctively, Matilda's arms went to his shoulders. One of Grayson's hands cupped Matilda's cheeks and he began to lean down. Matilda's eyes widened and she pulled away. Grayson cleared his throat and stepped back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Matilda instantly felt bad for pulling back. She didn't even know why she had done it because truthfully it's all she wanted.

Though after her relationship with Noah, she wasn't in a rush to get into another relationship, surely he could understand that.

"So LA huh?" Grayson quickly changed the topic. Anxiety was overwhelming him and he couldn't help but speak so fast that his words were merged


"You can always stay with me." Grayson paused. "I mean you don't have to stay in the same bed." Grayson let out a sigh over his blabbering. He was annoying himself, never mind Matilda "We can get you a bed. It wouldn't be a-a Umm- it wouldn't be a problem." He bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself.

"That would be great Gray. I promise I'll get a job as soon as I get there." Matilda said, but she couldn't bare to look him in the eyes knowing what she had done.

"It's okay, take as long as you need." Grayson smiled nervously.

"Thanks Bailey."

CONSPIRACY THEORY | GRAYSON DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now