falling through dimensions

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Error's pov
Pain is all i feel as i fall through the VOID the blackness pulling me everywhere when suddenly hands pulled me close and say" you've changed your FATE and allowed DESTINY to interfere, now be brave, my chosen child." And they let me go, the void no longer pulling at my mangled body as i slowly close my eyes.
???'s pov
This white nothingness pulls at me, pulls every bit of strength out of me as i balance every dimension and search for my brothers, they fell out of my reach and i still can't find them when i hear a thud of someone landing hard on the balance void's floor and i turn to see a black and glitching mess that was so fragile i felt if i touched him he could dissapear and i run over and i see so many scars that cover his form from head to toe. my eyes blazed with a powerful gray color as i reached my hand and delicatly i start securing his wounds with the gray strings that i made only here. His ribs fell off several times and i just reattached them and secured them tightly. I was starvingly skiny and so was this strange skeleton who i pulled into my lap as i tried to continue binding his wounds. After a minute his eyes flew open and his strange and mismatched eyes met my orange slitted eyes met, his eyesockets widen and he moves away from me rapidly. he asks quickly and glitchily" wHo aRe YOu? WHeRe aM i? WHy Am I hErE" i smile softly and i say calmly" my name is Sira Dragonflame, balancer of dimensions, you are in the VOID of dimensions, my home and i have no idea who you are or why you're here so why don't you at least tell me your name since i'm trying to help heal you? Your ribs fell off a few times while i was healing you, your still pretty injured, if you would let me help you i could fix you up." He was skeptical as he slowly came over and he says" wHat's uP wItH wITh tHe sTriNgs aNd sCreEns?" "The screens are all a dimension, these strings balance them, though i have none extra and i will die again in this endless toture void." "Is tHeRe aNy wAy oUt?" I point to the screens and his face hardens and suddenly blue strings colide with my gray ones,cutting through and i fall over, barely consious as my strength that i had gathered fades as he runs to a world i had never been to. I feel water surround me and he pulls me above water, helping me onto a concrete dock. I cough slightly as i slowly stand" thank you, that void is rather sapping for me." I lean on him and he holds me tightly"I'vE gOt yOu sIrA, JusT rEcOvEr yOuR sTrEnGth, yOu nEeD it mOre thAn mE" he said as i slowly let myself fade into unconsiousness.
Error's pov
I open a portal and i read through the codes and i find that these people have no balance, just of light and dark, no creation and destruction. I felt a actual smile creep on my face as i read over the codes. I was finally free of fates chains! I could finally be happy and live somewhat normally. I suddenly heard a weird sound and heard a massive splash and i run out of the alley and saw a car sink below the waves. I knew there were people inside and i didn't have to worry about drowning so i jumped in, swimming rapidly toward the sinking vehicle. I grabbed it and i ripped a door open to see human teens swimming out, a kid was trapped and i use my strings as i felt the familiar burning sensation in my ectoplasmic lungs as i hear the car touch the bottom and i point the kid upwards and he swims. I spot the robot that was taking off some kind of armor and was slowly going up as it's weight dropped and he wrapped around the kid and they break through, the burning was so much as i made my way to the surface when one of the kids dove down and grabbed me, pulling me to the surface and i gasped as i broke through. My breath was ragged as i recovered and i heard one of the kids say" Thanks for saving us mister, i'm Hiro Hamada, what's your name?" I slowly said" ErRor Is My NaMe aNd YouR wElCome HiRo." I slowly got out of the water and i started walking back to the alley when one of the kids put thier hand on my shoulder, causing me to glitch as i turn around. The shortest that called himself Hiro said" if you don't have anywhere to stay you can come with us, Fred doesn't live far from here and it'd give you a chance to dry off and warm up." I thought about it and i said" SuRe i JuSt nEed to Get a FrIenD iN thE aLLey rEal qUiCk." He nods and i go back and i gently scoop up sira. I walk back and the kid in a red shirt and green shorts says loudly, reminding me of many AU's papyrus" COME ON, IT'S JUST THIS WAY." I chuckle glitchily and follow the group. They walk to a huge mansion and the one called Fred goes up and knocks on the door, a man in a weird suit walks out and the kids file inside, i slowly follow, my eyes searching for danger as the man shut the door behind him.
So how am i doing? Please, as a smaller writer i want to know, i was so inspired by Harrish that i had to write this, with balance-sirabooks

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